Required Reading for Creating and Deploying a WCF REST Service on IIS7

Deploying a REST service with Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) is great, because it’s very powerful, but it can also be enormously frustrating.

First of all, start by reading the whitepaper.

This will give you a great overview on how to construct your methods, and how to label them in order to have them exposed correctly by REST.

Next, you need to create your web.config file. Use webhttpbinding for REST.

Lastly, deployment:

How to use https for WCF services in IIS7

How to rewrite your URLs to get rid of the lame .svc extension

I am posting a small demo project, hopefully it’s useful to someone. Simply implement the API interface as you see fit, and the rest basically does itself. You’ll notice the web.config includes a SOAP binding for legacy Microsoft clients to use if they wish.

Link: API_Template